Informations for Approvers

If you are an approver you will receive an automatic e-mail whenever a submission needs your approval. The e-mail contains further information and a link to the PubDB entry and to the approval form. The full-text and other documents are stored as "files" attached to the record. Since all information is restricted at that stage, you need to login to obtain access. Please check and review the information.

To approve sign at the appropriate field and press "send" to submit the information to the library. You help us if you add any missing information.

If you do not approve, please check the appropriate radio button and state the reason/remark, why you did so. You can not sign in this case. Pressing "send" will inform the submitter that this entry was not approved and he/she can do the necessary changes and send the form again when done.

After the final approval step the submitter is informed by mail that the process is finished and can then proceed.